Friday, November 16, 2012

City Of Perth

As requested, a nice sunset on arrival. thanks perth!

First stop in town, bowling and beers with some epic crew!

Skated with some bloody legends, 
it looks like ricky watt is about to perform some maneuverage on that ledge right? 
Unfortunately for Morgs shins he didn't perform to his usual excellent standards.

 Drop in anyone?

The bird flew a long way to end up on the wall at 5 foot 4.

Harry has a special hat wearing technique for drinking energy drinks responsibly,
its something to do with balance... 

Yep, first spot, rolled ankle. 
James ollied a big scary gap afterwards though which helped soften the blow.


Geldi txted James to congratulate him on making his trick,
James replied and thanked Geldi for filming it.
Such polite young fellows.

This is the first bird i have ever heard sneeze!
Have you ever heard a bird sneeze before?
I think I was giggling about it for a few days...

Brett was nice enough to drive Morgan and myself to the beach so I could do some physio on my newly swollen ankle.
Much appreciated.

 We got to ride to the beach in the greatest car ever made, The Toaster!
Looks like a toaster, drives like a go kart, moves blokes around... what more could you need!



Numbers, Perth's got everything i'm tellin' ya!

Ricky grinding grindable curbs... grind.

Altone. Fun. Fun. Fun.

A photo of a photo of a text that says something about sucking faces...

mm hhmm, thats right.

The Cheers! quiver.

Flatbar of death anyone?


The boys copped a tan, I copped a burn...

Creepy crawly.

Birthday beers were all the rage!

You haven't lived until you've seen Nannup skate Nedlands in real life... holy moly!

Peanuts gallering...

Harry finger flipping to decker was visually stimulating.

Just incase any of you got a little excited over the toaster and are contemplating purchasing your own,
 I can confirm that it comfortably seats 6 blokes in the back.
just sayin...

thanks for the good times perth! see you again soon!

(token wing shot)

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